Helpful Information

Kid Bottle Feeding

Bottle babies are so easy once they get started, but there are certain things to watch for in order to keep healthy kids. Bottle kids make the best pets. All our kids get Selenium and Vitamin E gel as well as a dose of nutri drench days 1-3. (Feed chart below).

Bottle Feeding

We don't do every single thing this chart recommends, but it has helped us a lot. Just remember the amounts recommended are over a 24 hour period, so you'll need to calculate them out in your number of feedings. Whole cows milk from the store we recommend over replacer, however if you are set on replacer Manna Pro has some of the better ones. ( See Below Feed Chart )

Bottle Types

Kids can be so picky about starting out on a bottle, and moving into a new environment stressing them out usually doesn't help their appetite. Below is the best bottle we have found that is similar to the smaller Nigerian teats can usually be found at Tractor Supply or Petco,  It is the Pet Ag Ballon Nipple. All our kids are usually started on the bottle at least 24 hours prior to going to their new homes unless otherwise discussed with buyer. Your kid may not eat the best till it gets warmed up to its new home, as long as they are getting at least an ounce every feeding to keep them hydrated for the first 24 hours then they will be okay. If by 24 hours your baby is still not sucking on that bottle or making an attempt then please get ahold of us or your local vet. ( See Pic Below )

Kid Temperature

Temperature is very important in your kids. Kids have a hard time keeping their body heat regulated the first couple weeks of life. It is VERY IMPORTANT to avoid pneumonia. We require all our bottle babies be kept in an above 50 degree environment. So if you are purchasing one in the winter, then they must stay in the house (you can put diapers on them and put them in a dog crate easily with puppy pads), in a heated barn or garage. Here is info if your goat gets too cold. ( See Below Chart )


This disease comes on fast and must be treated fast. Loose stool can happen over night. We recommend a fecal to make sure its Coccidiosis then we use Dimethox =Sulfamed for treatment. 5 days. ( See Below Chart )


Pritchard Nipples for Nursing Lambs and Goat Kids

Reference for feeding : weights of food and milk to help decide how much to feed,